Agrium Advanced Technologies (AAT) and Colorado State University (CSU) have announced the use of environmentally responsible, slow- and controlled-release fertilizers at CSU’s main campus in Fort Collins as part of both organizations’ ongoing collaboration and commitment to sustainability initiatives.
AAT donated a variety of its slow- and controlled-release fertilizer brands – Spread It & Forget It, Duration CR, Duration NPK, Polyon and XCU – for use by the CSU Facilities Management Department. The fertilizers were applied this past spring and early summer to five areas on the 583-acre campus: turfgrass on four intramural sports fields, plus turf areas and landscape beds in CSU’s newest residence hall community, the Academic Village.
"Agrium Advanced Technologies is a valued partner in helping CSU to become one of the world’s leading universities for sustainable practices and environmental education," said Dr. Tony Koski, professor and extension turf specialist, Colorado State University. "AAT has provided us with leading-edge fertilizer technology and expertise in agronomy and horticulture that strengthen our extensive landscape management and maintenance practices, as well as support our world-class research efforts."
Applying AAT products in the Academic Village – Spread It & Forget It to turf areas and Duration NPK to landscape beds – augments the living and learning community’s advanced sustainability efforts. The Academic Village includes green features such as an on-site thermal plant with solar panels, 95-percent energy-efficient boilers for heating water and Aspen Hall, CSU’s first residence hall to achieve LEED Gold certification from the U.S Green Building Council.
AAT recently joined CSU as a member of the U.S. Green Building Council, becoming the first fertilizer manufacturer to receive membership in the organization.
The areas fertilized with AAT’s donation are also serving as demonstration and research areas for AAT and CSU’s Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture.
AAT’s slow- and controlled-release fertilizers provide environmental benefits such as reducing the amount of nitrogen used by up to 40 percent, significantly reducing nitrogen loss to the environment, and growing healthier turfgrass and ornamentals.
The fertilizers also ensure predictable release of nutrients for up to six months, decreasing the number of fertilizer applications needed to maintain campus grounds. Fewer applications can provide the university with cost savings by using less fuel and fertilizer, along with reducing labor time for maintenance activities.
This initiative represents the latest collaboration between AAT and CSU, which partner frequently on turfgrass and horticulture research.
The turfgrass demonstration plots at CSU are featured in AAT’s Smarter Ways to Grow Tour, a series of three-day educational events in Loveland and Fort Collins that enable turf and ornamental professionals from across the country to learn about the latest in fertilizer technology and best-practice management. The tour includes a visit to the demonstration plots on campus, and USDA researchers presenting their findings from groundbreaking research on carbon sequestration and the environmental benefits of turfgrass.