Association News


OTF to Hold 43rd Annual Conference

The Ohio Turfgrass Foundation will hold its 43rd annual Ohio Turfgrass Conference & Show December 7-10 at the Greater Columbus Convention Center, Columbus, Ohio. Highlights will include pre-conference workshops, keynote speech by Dick Durrance II, trade show with over 200 exhibitors, live auction, seminars, breakfast roundtables and more. For more information, call 888-683-3445, e-mail or visit

TPI Holds Convention & Field Days

Turfgrass Producers International held its 2009 Summer Convention & Field Days in East Lansing, Mich. Dr. Kevin Frank, Michigan State University turfgrass extension specialist, provided a special research tour. He addressed managing necrotic ring spot in Kentucky bluegrass; effects of preemergent and postemergent herbicides on Kentucky bluegrass establishment; best management practices for weed control; controlling crabgrass with preemergent and postemergent herbicides; and a decade of nitrogen leaching at MSU.

News from ASLA

The American Society of Landscape Architects announced the selection of 10 new honorary members for their work in education, government, environmental activism and dedication to the landscape architecture profession. The new honorary members are Arnold Alanen, professor emeritus, University of Wisconsin, Madison; Susan Cahill-Aylward, managing director, Information & Professional Practices, ASLA; Rep. Russ Carnahan of Missouri; Bob Graham former governor and senator of Florida; Stephen E. Hamwey, principal, Sasaki; John Norquist, president and CEO of Congress for the New Urbanism and former mayor of Milwaukee; Sally Reynolds, historian; Nancy C. Somerville, executive vice president and CEO, ASLA; Jeff Speck, president and CEO, Speck & Associates LLC; and Connie Spellman, director, Omaha by Design.

Lisa Heinzerling was chosen to serve as the closing keynote speaker at the 2009 ASLA Annual Meeting and Expo, held in Chicago, Ill. Heinzerling is the associate administrator of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Office of Policy, Economics and Innovation.

PLANET – Professional Landcare Network
Irrigation Association
International Turfgrass Society
National Institute on Parks & Grounds Mgmt.
Professional Grounds Management Society
Professional Lawn Care Association of America
RISE (Responsible Industry for a Sound Environment)®
Sports Turf Managers Association
Turf & Ornamental Communicators Association
Turfgrass Producers International
Georgia Green Industry Association
Golf Course Mechanics Association
Illinois Turfgrass Foundation
Lawn & Garden Dealers Marketing Association
Michigan Turfgrass Foundation
Midwest Equipment Dealers Association
Midwest Regional Turf Foundation
Missouri Valley Turfgrass Association
National Golf Foundation
New Jersey Turfgrass Association
New York State Turfgrass Association
Northern California Turf & Landscape Council
Ohio Turfgrass Foundation
Pennsylvania Turfgrass Council
Texas Irrigation Association
Texas Turfgrass Association
Turfgrass Council of North Carolina