Blue Ox Stabilizer Brace


I was chosen to test the Blue Ox Stabilizer Brace for wheelbarrows, which arrived neatly and well packaged. The installation went smoothly with only a Phillips screwdriver, thanks to some very well-written instructions. After installation, I was skeptical about how well they would work. I used them to haul everything from rocks to mulch over two weeks. I was amazed at how much leverage they added, and also allowed the operator to stand upright, even when going uphill with a load. They certainly reduce back fatigue. They also have a feature that allows you to fold them under for storage or when they are not needed. They are well made and tough. I also found that wearing gloves during use reduced the amount or rubbing on your arm by the stabilizers’ lower edge, and in order to achieve the proper leverage, they must be mounted 6 to 7 inches from the end of the handle, which doesn’t leave near as much room to get a good hold when carrying a heavy load. I would recommend this product for anyone that uses a wheelbarrow on a regular basis, as it definitely makes a difference.

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