- Contact and get permission from clients to be serviced — preferably in a documented format such as email or other time/date stamped electronic communication.
- Implement daily all-staff communications within the company to inform, educate, and reinforce Standard Operating Procedures, best management practices, and possible next steps.
- Relax attendance policies to allow any employee who is uncomfortable working to stay home and use paid time off or apply for unemployment.
- Train crew personnel to be able to respond to questions from the public in a professional manner. (While maintaining social distancing.)
- Enforce cleaning and sanitation protocols for all common spaces including trucks and equipment. (Remember tools, handles, steering wheels, etc.)
- Stagger crew start times to minimize congregation at office/shop locations.
- Limit crews to ONE person per truck and have all other crew personnel drive directly to the job site.
- Assign one truck to one crew and do not rotate.
- Minimize use of shared equipment and tools.
- Wear gloves as much as possible, removing only to eat or drink.
- If you must work in close proximity to another for a short period of time (i.e. lifting a tree ball into a hole), wear a face mask.
- Be prepared to shutdown at any moment.
Stay safe out there!
See Turf’s article Is Landscaping An “Essential Business” In Your Region? article at this link.
Want to talk with fellow lawn care and landscape professionals about COVID-19 issues? Join the discussion in the Business Operations forum at www.expired-link.com.