Exhibitors List

Turf and Landscape & Hardscape Design-Build advertisers are in bold. GIE+EXPO Exhibitors Company Booth Number(s) 3A Group/TMEC Product Ltd./T.M.C. Creative 8044 A & I Products 9012 Abbott Rubber Co., Inc. 11007 Able Int’l 10030 Agri-Fab, Inc. 7164 Agri-Industrial Plastics Co. 10018 Agrium Advanced Technologies 7010 Ahlborn Equip. 2026 Air-Way Mfg. ...

Turf and Landscape & Hardscape Design-Build advertisers are in bold.

GIE+EXPO Exhibitors
CompanyBooth Number(s)
3A Group/TMEC Product Ltd./T.M.C. Creative8044
A & I Products9012
Abbott Rubber Co., Inc.11007
Able Int’l10030
Agri-Fab, Inc.7164
Agri-Industrial Plastics Co.10018
Agrium Advanced Technologies7010
Ahlborn Equip.2026
Air-Way Mfg. Co./Hydra-Flex9025
Alda Group LLC2018
American Express Open/Czarnowski Exhibit Services3024
American Honda Motor Co., Inc./Engine Div.3116
American Isuzu Motors, Inc.5208
American Profit Recovery, Inc.9193
Arbor Gold Software3019
ArborSystems/Ez-ject, Inc.6013
Arnetoli Motor10152
Avalanche/Ledex Industries10063
AVM, Ind./Arvin Meritor, Inc.9026
B&W Trailer Hitches2010
B3C Fuel Solutions LLC178
Bad Boy5140
Bailey’s, Inc./Woodland Int’l4012
Ball Horticultural Co.4013
Barnel Int’l, Inc.9055
Bartlett Tree Experts3008
Bayer Environmental Science1096
Beijing Toppo Machinery Co., LTD./Greenman Machinery Co.6018
Benjamin Media, Inc./Compact Equipment Magazine474
Bennche, Inc.11108
Best Soles4024
Better Heads LLC9160
Big Dog Mowers/Hustler Turf/Excel Ind.7024
Billmaster Software4005
Billy Goat Ind., Inc.10170
Blizzard Snowplows/Western Products6042
Bobcat Co./Hamilton Exhibits5202
BOSS LM/The Integra Group5039
Branson Tractors9206
Briggs & Stratton Corp.7104
Briggs & Stratton Yard Power Products/Simplicity, Ferris, Giant-Vac, Snapper5054
Brown Products, Inc./Trenchmaster9232
Buffalo Turbine8206
Burlingham Seeds10031
Burr King Mfg. Co., Inc.271
Buyers Products/SaltDogg/SnowDogg7018
C&S Turf Care Equip., Inc.9170
Canimex, Inc.9031
Canycom USA, Inc.3005
Cargo Buckle, a division of IMMI4039
Case Construction Equip.3084
Caterpillar, Inc.5184
CDS-John Blue Co.5015
CEJN Industrial Corp11012
Central Salt, LLC10059
Chapin Int’l/Heath Mfg.11132
Chemical Containers, Inc.9062
Christmas Décor484
Classic Groundcovers, Inc.7015
CLC LABS/Ag-Vantage, Inc.4014
CLIP Software/Sensible Software1018
Coast-PowerHouse Products5013
Construction Business Owner Magazine185
Corbin’s Baled Pine Straw, Inc.275
Cosmos Mfg., Inc.9027
Country Clipper div. Of Shivvers Mfg.9104
c-Systems Software, Inc.7004
Cub Cadet/MTD5116
Curv-Rite, Inc.10202
Custom Products of Litchfield, Inc.9146
Custom-Pak, Inc.11189
Cygnus Business Media/Yard&Garden/Pro Magazine5050
Definity Software Corp.3025
Desert Extrusion Corp.8048
DeWitt Co., Inc.4026
Dexter Fabrication and E-Coat Tech.9023
Diesel Progress8233
Ditch Witch10126
Dixie Chopper/Magic Circle Corp.7214
Dolmar Power Products/Makita USA11136
Dow AgroSciences, LLC1112
Drafix Software/PRO Landscape9189
Driven by Solar, Inc.10209
DSM Engineering Plastics8004
Ducar Group/Chongqing Dajiang Power Equip. Co.9188
DuPont Professional Products8034
Dynamic Marketing9040
DynaSCAPE Software9152
Eagle Business Software/ESH Computer Center8062
Earth & Turf Products LLC10032
Earthscapes by Visual Impact Imaging3030
EarthWay Products, Inc.9140
East Penn Mfg. Co., Inc./Deka171
Eastyida International Exhibition Co./Zhejiang Pioneer Machinery & Electron Co.9035
Easy-Lift Products Int’l., Inc.10219
ECHO, Shindaiwa, Echo Bear Cat5194
Electrex, Inc.10015
Elofic USA, LLC10004
Empire Plow Co.10043
Enviro Protection Industries/Deer Scram4010
Equipment & Engine Training Council (EETC)470
Eureka Chemical Co./Fluid Film4030
EverRide/Great Dane, Ariens Co. Brands7116
Exmark Mfg. Co., Inc.7094
Extend Mfg. LLC/Extend Quip, LLC2084
E-Z Trench Mfg. Co., Inc.9201
Fabriscape, Inc.2023
Faria Performance Instruments11017
Federal-Mogul Corp.11193
Federation of Employers and Workers of America (F.E.W.A.)6011
Finn Corp./Express Blower7206
First Products11201
Flambeau Fluid Systems Div.9019
Flame Engineering, Inc./Red Dragon/Torches11043
Flex Technologies10017
Foley United/Foley Belsaw11051
Ford Commercial Truck/The Presentation Group5104
Forestry Suppliers, Inc.3040
Four Star Sales/Proven Winners191
Full Vision, Inc.10009
Garden Tools SRL10049
GE Commercial Distribution Finance/GE Capital Solutions11104
Generac Power Systems11184
General Sheet Metal Works9008
General Transmissions, Inc. France Reducteurs5035
GM Fleet and Commercial5214
GNC Industries, Inc.10158
Go iLawn/GIS Dynamics9065
Gold Eagle/Sta-Bil10159
Grammer, Inc6035
Grass Stitcher LLC8030
Grasshopper Co./Moridge Mfg.9130
Great Northern Equip./Dosko1010
Green Media/M2media3605022
Green Touch/Trailer Racks.com273
Ground Logic, Inc.11035
GrowTech, Inc.11161
GVM Snow Equip.9061
Hannay Reels, Inc4027
Haulmark Ind.2036
HBD/Thermoid, Inc./GWA Communications10188
HD Hudson Mfg. Co.10042
Heftee Ind.9124
Hilliard Corp., The11021
Hinkley Lighting2011
Holiday Bright Lights, Inc.9046
Honeywell Consumer Products Group279
Hortica Insurance & Employee Benefits3023
Howard Johnson’s Enterprises, Inc.4011
Hud-Son Forest Equip., Inc.4037
Humboldt Specialty Mfg.11176
Hunter Ind., Inc.11197
Hurricane Blo-Vac10164
Hustler Turf Equip./Excel Ind., Inc.5070
I.C.E., Inc./Infinite Creative Enterprises2000
Ideal Computer Systems, Inc.5004
IGUS, Inc.9018
Include Software6038
Invisa Flow LLC5005
Irrigation & Green Industry Magazine10033
Irrigation Association3010
Isuzu Commercial Truck of America3068
J. Thomas196
Jameson, LLC6005
John Deere Co.1116
JRCO, Inc.8054
Jungle Jim’s Accessory Products10140
K&M Mfg./Great Northern Equip. Dist.8024
K&N Engineering, Inc.11020
Kage Innovation LLC/Horticulture Services LLC6030
Kawasaki Motors Corp., USA1064
Kelch, a division of Bemis Mfg.4035
Kincaid Equip. Mfg.10146
King Kutter, Inc./Taylor Pittsburgh Mfg.2104
Kohler Engines7176
Kongsberg Automotive Power Products Sys. prev. Capro8020
Kubota Engine America1044
Kubota Tractor Corp.5094
Kuhns Power Equip. LLC10192
Kunz Engineering, Inc.5038
Kwik Products/Echo, Inc.9171
Kyodo America/LawnBott4019
L.T. Rich Products/Z-Spray1022 LandOpt, LLC3013
Landscape Contractor Design Build Maintain11045
Landscape Management/Questex3018
Landscape Safety.com/TLC Professional Landscaping9211
Laser Sales5030
Lawn & Landscape Media Group/GIE Media1084
Lawn Solution Commercial Products9176
LawnShark USA (previously JBH Innovations)9233
Lebanon Turf5025
Liquid Fence Co.2024
Lista Int’l9048
Little Giant Ladder Systems/Wing Enterprises4040
MAC Motor Appliance Corp.8010
Magna-Matic Corp.4031
Marathon Data Systems, LLC9044
Marathon Industries4025
Masport LTD.10104
M-B Companies, Inc.9200
Meg-Mo Systems/Megli Oil Co.11047
Meyer Products LLC/Swenson Spreaders7038
Micro Metals, Inc.9004
Midwest Rake Company/Kenyon/Northstar7009
Mitsubishi Fuso Truck of America, Inc.5176
Modeco Systems LLC10061
Moose River Media/Turf Magazine9049
Morton Salt9059
New Holland Construction1054
NGK Spark Plugs (U.S.A.), Inc.10116
Nissan/George P. Johnson3050
No Smoke Oil8038
NORAM/North American Clutch Corp.8018
Nortek Products (Taicang) LTD5012
North American Equipment Dealers Assoc./Ohio-Michigan Equip. Dealers Assoc.478
North American Salt Co./SIFTO/A Compass Minerals Co.6021
Northern Turf Equipment185
Novae Corp.2008
NPC, Americas Payment Systems Authority1014
Nufarm Americas, Inc.7052
Nutrients PLUS, LLC9030
Ogura Industrial Corp.2112 
Ohio Steel Industries, Inc.1004
OTR Wheel Engineering8222
Outdoor Power Equip. & Engine Service (OPEESA)278
Outdoor Power Equipment Aftermarket Assoc.11153
Outdoor Power Equipment Institute11146
Pace Industries11014
Parker Hannifin Corp.10132
Paulson Computer Systems, Inc.270
PBI-Gordon Corp.7030
PECO, Inc.8212
Peerless Gear/Husqvarna1036
Pennington Seed, Inc.5010
Performance Outdoor Products4022
Perma Green Supreme1030
Petrol Pal, LLC5033
PGMS-Professional Grounds Management Society8188
Phoenix USA, Inc.10157
Pik Rite, Inc./Eden Equip.10198
Pilot Seating10024
Plews/Edelmann exhibiting as Lubrimatic Green9216
Power Chute Design/Zeithamel, LLC/Coral Lawn Care9158
Power Equipment Trade9039
Prizelawn by PSB Co., Div. Of White Castle9224
Pro Ap Products by Frick Services, Inc.496
Pro-Finished LLC/YAT Electrical & Appliance Co., Ltd.9116
Progressive Turf Equip.10153
PROLAWN, Inc.8060
Propane Education & Research Council/PERC11198
PUMPTEC, Inc.375
Quali-Pro/Ashby Creative10206
Quest Products Corp.9047
QXpress Scheduling Software/Alocet, Inc.4041
R&K Pump & Equip., Inc.11009
Raisman Corp.11157
Ram Truck/Exhibit Enterprises3072
RAMROD Equip., a div. of Leon’s Mfg.5032
Real Green Systems, Inc./Hawaiian Village Computers10176
Reddick Equip. Co., Inc.9007
RedMax/Dixon/Yazoo Kees/Blue Bird/Husqvarna11094
Remlinger Mfg.

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Understanding Regulations

ICYMI: Understanding Regulations & Running a Safe Fleet (WEBINAR)

The most recent Turf webinar with J.J. Keller VideoProtects explain what regulations apply to your operation — and how to comply with them.

Listen Now: Segway Navimow Glides Into Robotic Mower Market

PODCAST: Turf talks with Wayne Kreifels of Segway Navimow, to discuss their entrance into the robotic mower market.

Yanmar TL65RS

Yanmar Launches TL65RS Compact Track Loader

Yanmar Compact Equipment has launched the midsize TL65RS as part of its new line of compact track loaders.