From the Field


Econem Receives EPA Registration

Pasteuria Bioscience has received EPA registration for Econem biological nematicide for control of sting nematodes in turf. The active ingredient in Econem is based on Pasteuria spp., a class of naturally occurring soil bacteria first discovered over 50 years ago and identified as an effective agent for nematode control. Until recently, no one was able to manufacture Pasteuria on a commercial scale.

Syngenta’s Heritage G Fungicide Approved in California

Syngenta Lawn & Garden’s Heritage G fungicide has received registration for use on turfgrass in California. Heritage G is a systemic strobilurin fungicide in a granular formation. It features the carrier DG-Lite , which allows it to disperse under minimal water requirements.

Dow AgroSciences has changed its label on Conserve SC.

Dow AgroSciences Changes Conserve SC Label

To reinforce its resistance management approach, Dow AgroSciences has changed its label for Conserve SC turf and ornamental insect control.

The maximum number of consecutive applications was changed from three to two. The maximum number of applications per year is six.