Get Equipped: Herbicides, Insecticides, Fungicides

Take a look at these four herbicides, insecticides and fungicides that can improve your professional lawn care services. TREE-äge® R10 by Arborjet The newest addition to the line of TREE-äge products, R10 features the lowest dose guidance and quickest injection times. When used with Arborjet’s equipment, including the newly patented ...

Take a look at these four herbicides, insecticides and fungicides that can improve your professional lawn care services.

TREE-äge® R10 by ArborjetInsecticides

The newest addition to the line of TREE-äge products, R10 features the lowest dose guidance and quickest injection times. When used with Arborjet’s equipment, including the newly patented QUIK-jet AIR®, field studies demonstrate that R10 injects three times faster than generic brands and significantly reduces tree pest damage versus other tested products. This is particularly beneficial when injecting conifers and other diffuse porous trees that typically take more time to inject. It can be used on trees grown in residential and commercial landscapes, golf courses, parks, and areas of greater environmental sensitivity. It’s effective for two year control of: Emerald Ash Borer, Invasive Shot Hole Borer; Spruce, Western, Southern, and Mountain Pine Beetles; Leaf Feeding Caterpillars, Bagworms, Webworms, Leafminers, Conifer Mites, and more.

herbicidesCheetah® Pro Non-Selective Herbicide From Nufarm

Cheetah® Pro non-selective herbicide is now approved in 42 states, including the more recent additions of Indiana, Maine, Rhode Island, and Hawaii. Cheetah Pro provides fast and effective control of grass, sedge, and broadleaf weeds in a variety of golf, turf, and landscape settings. Cheetah Pro offers post-emergence control on tough weed and grass challenges, including those resistant to glyphosate and other herbicide classes. It works quickly to control undesirable plant vegetation around ornamental trees, shrubs, and potted plants, as well as landscape trim and natural areas. With less movement in grasses, Cheetah Pro can help turf managers create sharp boundary markers that are particularly helpful for golf and sports fields, as well as for precise trimming around ornamental beds. Cheetah Pro also has minimal soil residual, which makes it an effective option for pre-plant weed control in turf and ornamentals. When applied to dormant Bermudagrass or Bahiagrass, Cheetah Pro will provide control of many winter annual weeds, including annual bluegrass.

Vexis Herbicide® Granular from PBI-Gordon Corporationherbicides

Vexis was first introduced to Turf editors at the GIE+EXPO show last fall, and now it’s being introduced to the market for sale. Vexis contains a new proprietary active ingredient called Pyrimisulfan, a Group 2 herbicide ALS inhibitor. It offers targeted, post-emergent control of sedges and kyllinga species, including both purple and yellow nutsedge, cockscomb, and false green kyllinga. It can also be used on a wide variety of both cool- and warm- season turfgrasses such as Kentucky bluegrass, fine and tall fescues, perennial ryegrass, Bermudagrass, bahiagrass, buffalograss, kikuyugrass, seashore paspalum, St. Augustinegrass (including improved varieties such as bitterblue and floratam), and zoysiagrass. Sold in a two pound “shaker” can and in a 15 pound bag, the granular formulation helps reduce off-target drift and volatility. For use on residential and commercial sites, sports facilities, and golf course tees, fairways, and roughs, Vexis was field tested for yellow nutsedge at Virginia Tech and false green kyllinga at Rutgers University. Update – May 25, 2021: PBI-Gordon announced Vexis® Herbicide Granular had received registration by the State of New York Department of Pesticide Regulation for use in the state of New York (available for sale in June 2021). Based on the proprietary active ingredient Pyrimisulfan, Vexis is the result of an exclusive partnership between PBI-Gordon Corporation, Kumiai Chemical Industry Co., Ltd. and their US subsidiary K-I Chemical U.S.A Inc. Vexis was introduced to the market in early 2020.

Headway® G Fungicide From Syngenta

Headway G fungicide combines the effectiveness of a spray with the convenience of a granular using two modes of action that combine to provide optimum control of key lawn diseases. Its highly water-soluble carrier is easily activated with heavy dew or light watering, which allows quick uptake by plant leaves and roots. Headway G should be applied at two to four pounds of product/1,000 square feet for 14 to 28 days of control. Research shows Headway G offers effective, broad-spectrum control of more than 30 major turf diseases including: Brown patch; Large patch; Leaf spot; Spring dead spot; Dollar spot; Red thread; Summer patch; and more. Available in a 10 pound stackable cube and a 30 pound bag.

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