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Alternative Fuel

Leverage Your ‘Green’ Edge with Propane

How propane can set you apart in your market while reducing expenses.

5 Exciting Technologies For 2017 And Beyond

It's important to stay informed of new technology and understand how it can and will impact your business.

Is Switching to Propane on Your Radar?

Are you curious about switching to propane? These contractors weight in.

Propane to Continue Growth For 3 More Years

A survey found 34 percent of landscape contractors are likely to purchase a propane mower in the next three years.

Why Sebert Landscape Embraces Battery Power

Chicagoland landscape leader adopts emission-reducing technology to drive sustainability.

You Have a Wealth of Mower Choices

There’s never been a better time to purchase mowers — that is if you like variety. Twenty eight mower suppliers exhibited at the 2016 GIE+EXPO in Louisville, Kentucky. Most manufacturers displayed multiple models. Commercial-grade ZTRs (riders and stand-ons) dominated both the show floor and the outside demo area. In terms ...

Win the Game of Mower Selection

Three very different companies share three very different mower selection strategies.

Like a Boss: Testing Battery Power without Losing Profit

Back-up equipment helped ease any hesitancy from the crew members when testing battery-powered equipment.

Why Battery-Powered Mowers are in Your Future

Electric cars, whether hybrid or fully battery powered, command a small percentage of new car sales. Even so, they’re hardly a novelty on our highways anymore, and their acceptance in the market is established. Bloomberg New Energy Finance predicts that electric vehicles will command 35 percent of new car sales ...

5 Steps to Propane-Powered Success

These five steps can help contractors get the propane conversion process started in their operations.