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Biologicals On The Greens

Biologicals On The Greens
From Biological Products Industry Alliance (BPIA) From the Spring 2019 Issue There is nothing more fun than waking up early on a Saturday morning and meeting some good friends to play a round of golf on a meticulously maintained course. It doesn’t matter whether it is your private country club or your local public course. Everyone enjoys playing on a good looking and pest-free course. Conversely, nothing is more miserable than trying to golf on a course that is in poor condition from turf disease or being overrun by a variety of buzzing and stinging insects. Two decades ago, most players wouldn’t have given a second thought as to what goes into maintaining their favorite place to play golf. They just wanted it to look scenic and be pest free. But times have definitely changed. Many people including golfers and golf course superintendents are trying to be ecologically responsible and live lifestyles which help sustain our natural resources and protect all aspects of our outdoor environment including on golf courses. For many years, golf course superintendents and their staff used a diverse assortment of very effective synthetic chemicals to eliminate unwanted pests and help improve the appearance of greens. The reality is that little consideration was given to the environmental consequences, and also there were very few efficacious alternatives available. “The market is definitely shifting since there are now many cost-effective biological products available for use on turf,” says Eric Smith, East Coast sales manager for BioSafe Systems. “These biopesticide ...