Late last week, Governor Newsom of California announced a new comprehensive water supply strategy focusing on accelerated infrastructure projects that would better prepare the State for perpetual years of drought and address the ongoing crisis. Part of the plan relating to lawn and landscape work calls for: accelerating the transition ...
Nearly 20% of U.S. homeowners with water restrictions have removed lawns, according to a just-released survey from Rachio, a manufacturer of smart irrigation controllers. With nearly half of the U.S. currently in drought, the survey found many homeowners are changing their landscape watering habits. Lawns and gardens make up about ...
Editor’s Letter: June 2022 Issue Not A Drop To Drink I could fill this Editor’s Letter with scary statistics about water shortages and drought, but unless you’re living under a rock within that xeriscape you designed, it’s not news to you. In many areas, we are in crisis with a ...
Strategies from a California landscaper and irrigation expert. For the third time in the state’s history, California is facing a water crisis that reaches far beyond a solitary dry spell. Now in its fourth straight year, this ongoing drought is forcing the California Department of Water Resources to declare a ...
California water agencies form the group, Solve The Water Crisis. A newly formed statewide education effort, Solve the Water Crisis, was launched this past April in California. It is being spearheaded by local water agencies from across the state with diverse supporters from all regions and across all industries. “As ...
The 2021 grass seed crop is going to be very interesting as inventory stocks on many turf, forage, and cover crop seed species are at all-time lows, according to GO Seed of Salem, OR. The current drought in Oregon is affecting the industry. Oregon is the world’s major producer of ...
California and much of the western U.S. are entering a period of historic drought that experts say will stretch tight water supplies, increase wildfire risk, and bring new water-use restrictions — particularly for outdoor landscape use — as the summer unfolds. Westlands Water District, which serves farms and rural communities ...
It’s Earth Day! And for inspiration, here’s 10 new projects that were recently added to the Smart Policies for a Changing Climate Online Exhibition from the American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA). The exhibit demonstrates smart landscape design solutions to climate impacts, such as flooding, extreme heat, drought, and ...
Is there such a thing as “useless” grass? Officials from the Southern Nevada Water Authority (SNWA), which serves a drought–prone area, think there is. On April 5, SNWA lobbyist Andy Belanger asked lawmakers from the Las Vegas Assembly Committee on Natural Resources to mandate the removal of “unused” turf ...
Depending on where you’re located, smart irrigation will mean different things. For those of us prone to the hot dry Southern California summers, though, it means conserving water wherever and whenever possible. Caring for lawns and landscapes is a year-round task and we must adapt to the changing seasons and ...