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Propane Autogas For Reduced Vehicle Fuel Costs

propane autogas
In the past decade, use of propane-powered mowers as an alternative to gasoline and diesel mowers has grown. Once used by a relatively small number of landscape contractors, propane powered more than 27,000 mowers across the U.S. at the start of this cutting season. The fuel is a proven alternative ...

Propane Autogas For Reduced Vehicle Fuel Costs

propane autogas
In the past decade, use of propane-powered mowers as an alternative to gasoline and diesel mowers has grown. Once used by a relatively small number of landscape contractors, propane powered more than 27,000 mowers across the U.S. at the start of this cutting season. The fuel is a proven alternative ...

What’s in store for the U.S. Economy in 2017?

Four predictions about what to expect in 2017.

Turf Seed Market in Healthy State

Despite lingering effects from the recession of 2009, the turf seed market is holding its own.

Election 2016 Offers Opportunity for Change

Change is coming following the election and small businesses need to be prepared.

Time is Running Out to Comply with the DOL’s Onerous New Overtime Rule

The new rule requires a strict and accurate timekeeping system within your business, and managers who fully understand your company’s overtime policy so that you stay compliant with the overtime rules.

Political Landscape Issues By State

There is a greater amount of political activity surrounding environmental issues this election year.

The Next Business-Busting Recession is on its Way

Being prepared for the next economic recession will greatly increase your chances of business survival.

Green Helps Revitalize Town’s Rundown Areas

My small town on Lake Erie’s southern shore in northwest Ohio is struggling to maintain its economic dignity. The loss of manufacturing and well-paying union jobs these past few decades stripped it of much of its financial vitality. More than half of the storefronts in our downtown are vacant. Wal-Mart’s ...

How Do Your Wages Measure Up?

Making sense of employee compensation.