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Grant Program

Progressive Taking Applications For “Driving Small Business Forward Fund”

Progressive and Hello Alice are accepting applications for the Driving Small Business Forward grant program in support of Black entrepreneurs.

6 Landscape & Tree Care Pros Awarded Jobber Grants

Funds Ranged from $2,500 to $15,000. Six landscape and tree care businesses were among the deserving recipients of funds in this year’s Jobber Grants Program. Jobber, a provider of home service operations management software, awarded a total of $150,000 through their Grants Program. Twenty-five entrepreneurs were selected from thousands of applications ...

6 Landscape & Tree Care Pros Awarded Jobber Grants

Jobber Grants
Funds Ranged from $2,500 to $15,000. Six landscape and tree care businesses were among the deserving recipients of funds in this year’s Jobber Grants Program. Jobber, a provider of home service operations management software, awarded a total of $150,000 through their Grants Program. Twenty-five entrepreneurs were selected from thousands of applications ...

Kubota Opens Voting For “Hometown Proud” $100,000 Grant Program

Hometown Proud
Kubota Tractor Corporation has identified the top five finalists from across the U.S. in its inaugural Hometown Proud Grant Program. Voting is now open to the public to help determine which organization will receive $100,000 and use of Kubota equipment to refresh or revitalize a community project. Kubota announced its ...

Kubota Opens Voting For “Hometown Proud” $100,000 Grant Program

Hometown Proud
Kubota Tractor Corporation has identified the top five finalists from across the U.S. in its inaugural Hometown Proud Grant Program. Voting is now open to the public to help determine which organization will receive $100,000 and use of Kubota equipment to refresh or revitalize a community project. Kubota announced its ...