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I am a landscaper

I Am A Landscaper: Mick Ribault

President and founder of DragonFly Pond Works shares what he loves about the green industry.

I Am A Landscaper: Howard Freilich

Blondie’s Treehouse

I Am A Landscaper: Matt Voss

Raised on a dairy farm, Matt Voss, developed a love of the outdoors from an early age. He started his experience as an entrepreneur by raising pigs as part of the Future Farmers of America program, which ultimately grew into a small business. Voss, who is the founder and owner ...

I Am A Landscaper: Aaron Rodolph

An investment from his father changed Aaron Rodolph's perspective on how good equipment could change his business.

I Am A Landscaper: Scott Neave

Scott Neave basically grew up in the green industry. In 1973 his father, Bill Neave, founded Neave Landscaping, headquartered in Wappingers Falls, New York. As demand grew, the company branched out to offer other service options including Neave Pools and Neave Décor, and ultimately rebranded as Neave Group Outdoor Solutions ...

I Am A Landscaper: Bob Grover

Bob Grover says he has never spent a day working outside of the green industry — well, unless you count that paperboy route he had when he was 11. Having grown up on a 1-acre lot of “suburbia” in southeast Portland, Grover spent his childhood playing outside, building forts and ...

I Am A Landscaper: Ben Collinsworth

Owner and founder of Native Land Design discusses his success and how he stays busy.

I Am A Landscaper: Todd Thomasson

Having grown up on Rock Water Farm, an operational beef cattle farm in Danville, Virginia, Todd Thomasson was accustomed to being outside. While it was all but decided for him that he would be headed to Virginia Tech (he was the 15th in his family to go), he wasn’t sure ...

I Am A Landscaper: Nick Nykorczuk

President, Creative Pavers Inc.