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I Want To Mow Your Lawn

SiteOne Landscape Supply Aids Veterans With Non-Profit Donation

SiteOne I Want To Mow Your Lawn
  SiteOne® Landscape Supply donated $10,000 worth of battery-powered equipment to I Want To Mow Your Lawn™, a non-profit organization that provides free lawn service to veterans, elderly, and others in need. The donation—a combined effort from several SiteOne branches in New Jersey and eastern Pennsylvania—provided the non-profit with brand-new, ...

SiteOne Landscape Supply Aids Veterans With Non-Profit Donation

SiteOne I Want To Mow Your Lawn
  SiteOne® Landscape Supply donated $10,000 worth of battery-powered equipment to I Want To Mow Your Lawn™, a non-profit organization that provides free lawn service to veterans, elderly, and others in need. The donation—a combined effort from several SiteOne branches in New Jersey and eastern Pennsylvania—provided the non-profit with brand-new, ...

Could Your Landscape Business Handle A “No Mow May?”

No Mow May
No Mow May, a grassroots initiative first popularized by UK-based Plantlife, is gaining some popularity in the US. With the goal of creating a larger habitat for pollinators, the No Mow May campaign asks property owners to stop lawn mowing and weed-whacking on May 1st and let wild flowers—and even weeds—grow ...

Could Your Landscape Business Handle A “No Mow May?”

No Mow May
No Mow May, a grassroots initiative first popularized by UK-based Plantlife, is gaining some popularity in the US. With the goal of creating a larger habitat for pollinators, the No Mow May campaign asks property owners to stop lawn mowing and weed-whacking on May 1st and let wild flowers—and even weeds—grow ...

Project EverGreen & I Want to Mow Your Lawn Announce Alliance

no mow may
Project EverGreen has announced an alliance with I Want to Mow Your Lawn to bring complimentary lawn care services to an even wider range of deserving individuals and households. Like Project EverGreen’s GreenCare for Troops, which provides complimentary lawn care and basic landscape services to families of deployed military personnel, ...

Project EverGreen & I Want to Mow Your Lawn Announce Alliance

no mow may
Project EverGreen has announced an alliance with I Want to Mow Your Lawn to bring complimentary lawn care services to an even wider range of deserving individuals and households. Like Project EverGreen’s GreenCare for Troops, which provides complimentary lawn care and basic landscape services to families of deployed military personnel, ...

Volunteer Lawn Care Group Is Greening And Growing

no mow may
Brian Schwartz, laid off during the pandemic, went viral for mowing elderly persons’ lawns gratis. He has been driving eco-friendly practices within the now national non-profit,, that connects landscaping professionals  and other philanthropic-minded businesses and individuals — with persons in need to receive free, safe, socially-distanced, “green” yard care. ...

Volunteer Lawn Care Group Is Greening And Growing

no mow may
Brian Schwartz, laid off during the pandemic, went viral for mowing elderly persons’ lawns gratis. He has been driving eco-friendly practices within the now national non-profit,, that connects landscaping professionals  and other philanthropic-minded businesses and individuals — with persons in need to receive free, safe, socially-distanced, “green” yard care. ...

He Wants You To Mow Their Lawn

volunteer lawn care
I Want To Mow Your Lawn, Inc. is a non-profit organization that recruits landscaping professionals to provide no-cost, tip-free and socially-distanced lawn mowing and other yard care services for seniors, military veterans, disabled persons and those in underprivileged communities.

He Wants You To Mow Their Lawn

volunteer lawn care
I Want To Mow Your Lawn, Inc. is a non-profit organization that recruits landscaping professionals to provide no-cost, tip-free and socially-distanced lawn mowing and other yard care services for seniors, military veterans, disabled persons and those in underprivileged communities.