From one man without a truck to a local leader with 60+ employees and four divisions. A Timeline Of Accomplishments Mike Sanders, Owner Crimson Valley Landscaping Rockford, IL 1. When, why, and how did you start your business? Crimson Valley Landscaping was started July 1, 2001, just months before 9/11. Great timing. Start a landscape company during the hottest part of the year, and then 9/11. I was 35 years old then. I think starting my business a little older than many gave me a good perspective on how to treat and deal with co-workers—since I was an employee for 14 years of my adult life. I learned that many owners put themselves first in everything involving the company—and they fail to recognize what that does to a team. Owners must always remember that the team will perform at the level on which they are treated. Business owners may have a unique drive, but they only get as far as the team can push the business. For funding, my wife and I had maybe $2,000 saved and a very small 401k. Before I went out on my own, during the first week of 2001, I told my boss that I would give him six months notice and be gone July 1. If he wanted me to leave before that, just say the word. I really liked my job and coworkers, but the owner and I just saw things differently. He laughed and said I was power hungry. He did not ...