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Mark Klossner

SnowCare For Troops Expands To Include Healthcare Workers

  As COVID-19 cases are anticipated to increase across the U.S. this winter, those on the front lines of the pandemic will need support more than ever. Recognizing this, Project EverGreen, along with program sponsor BOSS Snowplow, are expanding the SnowCare for Troops program to include healthcare professionals. Dubbed the SnowCare for Troops Cares for Our Healthcare Heroes, the program asks SnowCare for Troops volunteers to nominate frontline healthcare professionals in their community to receive free snow and ice removal services. Volunteers are encouraged to identify potential recipients through neighborhood groups, school or church groups, or social media. The expanded program will run through April 1, 2021. Once an individual or family has been identified and parameters of service established, SnowCare for Troops volunteers are asked to provide the name, address, and list of services provided to Project EverGreen for its database to ensure they are properly matched. “We realize we can’t help all front-line heroes, but we hope that with the support of our dedicated volunteers we can provide vital snow removal services to healthcare professionals during this unprecedented time,” says Cindy Code, executive director of Project EverGreen. Volunteers will determine how many individuals or families they can help, and what services they can provide. Code suggests that volunteers identify people directly related to the healthcare field such as nurses, paramedics, health care workers conducting coronavirus testing, and hospital support staff. “BOSS is proud to continue to support Project EverGreen and the SnowCare for Troops program. We are very ...