Get Equipped!

Snow & Ice Management

Snow Season Isn’t Over. The Timeline For Next Winter’s Success Starts Now.

ICYMI: Ah, the arrival of Spring and end of snow season! Think again! In Turf’s August 2022 issue, Phil Sexton, director for WIT Advisers, outlined why selling and optimizing snow services is a year-round affair. Spring means crucial post-season review and the start of a fresh, new 52-week timeline. Success ...

2022 U.S. Winter Outlook: How Busy Will You Be? 

Wondering how busy the snow and ice management part of your business might be this winter? A wet winter is predicted for many northern parts of the U.S., while drought is expected to persist in Great Plains, and parts of the West. From December 2022 through February 2023, wetter-than-average conditions ...

Turf August 2022 Issue

Editor’s Letter It’s Christmas in July… or, as we call it: Snow Management in August! As temperatures soar into +95 ÌŠF here, it seems very unseasonal to be editing the Snow & Ice issue. But as nearly half the nation suffers water restrictions, while other parts fear flash floods, I ...

Plow Insurance That Kicks In Only When You Need It?

SnowSOS, a patent-pending insurtech platform for plowers in the U.S., launched open registration at last month. SnowSOS gives plowers and plow businesses a way to lower their general liability insurance cost to $99/month per vehicle with no annual commitment. This is achieved by giving plowers control over when their ...

Snow Work And Staff Safety

Staff Safety
  This information from the Snow & Ice Management Association (SIMA) appeared in a past year on The advice remains timely, especially as many contractors are facing lower than usual staffing this year, or have new employees on board who may not be experienced with the rigors of the ...

Get Equipped: Snow & Ice Management At GIE+EXPO

Snow & Ice Management
Want a sneak peek at some of the newest Snow & Ice Management equipment that will be on display at GIE+EXPO next week, October 20-22, in Louisville, KY? See below! Check out more GIE+EXPO exhibitors and products here, and in Spreaders, Sprayers & Seed and Small Engine & Handheld Equipment! ...
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