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snow management

Proposed Tax Break For Government Snow Removal Equipment In CA

California Senate Bill 546 proposes an exemption from the state sales and use tax for public entities purchasing dedicated snow removal vehicles.

Compact Cleanup Solutions

In the wake of snowstorms and natural disasters, it's essential to be prepared with versatile equipment to support restoration efforts.

Turf Quiz Of The Week: Winter Is Coming. Are You Equipped For Snow Management?

Turf Quiz Of The Week
Ready to put your winter equipment knowledge to the test? Take this quiz to see if you're equipped with the right tools and know-how to tackle snow management like a pro!

Compact Cleanup Solutions

In the wake of snowstorms and natural disasters, it's essential to be prepared with versatile equipment to support restoration efforts.

Hilltip Brings Line Of SnowStriker™ Snowplows To North America

Hilltip SnowStriker
Hilltip's SnowStriker™ snowplows compatible with half-ton pickups, SUVs, UTVs, tractors, and loaders, have come to North America.

Proposed Tax Break For Government Snow Removal Equipment In CA

California Senate Bill 546 proposes an exemption from the state sales and use tax for public entities purchasing dedicated snow removal vehicles.

John Deere Brings Out New Front-Mount Snowblower

John Deere has announced the new Frontier™ SB12F Series Front-Mount Snowblower for compact utility tractors.

Turf August 2022 Issue

Editor’s Letter It’s Christmas in July… or, as we call it: Snow Management in August! As temperatures soar into +95 ̊F here, it seems very unseasonal to be editing the Snow & Ice issue. But as nearly half the nation suffers water restrictions, while other parts fear flash floods, I ...

Turf August 2022 Issue

Turf August 2022 Issue
Editor’s Letter It’s Christmas in July… or, as we call it: Snow Management in August! As temperatures soar into +95 ̊F here, it seems very unseasonal to be editing the Snow & Ice issue. But as nearly half the nation suffers water restrictions, while other parts fear flash floods, I ...

Hitting The Road: Brine, Beets & Other Thanksgiving Treats

rock salt
Chances are, there will be a lot of talk of brine this week. And while most conversations will focus on brining the turkey, landscapers in snow management think of brine a little differently. Increasingly used as a pre-treatment for roadways ahead of a winter weather event, brine is a solution ...