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urban life

PARK(ing) Day 2020: Time To Reimagine Streets In COVID-19 Era

PARK(ing) Day parklet
The COVD-19 pandemic has forced cities everywhere to rethink how people use their streets and public places. Parking spaces have been transformed into pop-up parklets and outdoor dining and shopping areas, and streets that were once dominated by automobiles are being turned over to pedestrians and cyclists. Issues of racial ...

PARK(ing) Day 2020: Time To Reimagine Streets In COVID-19 Era

PARK(ing) Day parklet
The COVD-19 pandemic has forced cities everywhere to rethink how people use their streets and public places. Parking spaces have been transformed into pop-up parklets and outdoor dining and shopping areas, and streets that were once dominated by automobiles are being turned over to pedestrians and cyclists. Issues of racial ...