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vaccination schedule

Vaccine Priority For Essential Snow & Ice Workers?

COVID-19 vaccines are now being rolled out and areas are determining their timelines of priority for vaccination scheduling. Deeming it’s members as providing “essential critical infrastructure work,” the Snow & Ice Management Association (SIMA) is distributing a request to all state and provincial health departments in charge of vaccine distribution to prioritize snow and ice removal workers as “essential workers.” SIMA has drafted a statement to be used as needed to send to local health department. According to SIMA CEO Martin Tirado, “Getting the COVID-19 is optional, and snow and ice professionals should have this option in Phase 1 of distribution.” Vaccination of snow and ice employees may also aid in any labor shortfalls. Tirado said in an earlier statement, “This season there is an increased risk of a shortage of a healthy workforce ready and willing to participate in this tough work. COVID-19 and standard Influenza may cause a larger-than-normal loss of labor hours and people during certain periods of the winter season, and may impact the ability of professional snow and ice management companies to conduct the work they are tasked with during strong and often severe winter storms.” Here is the letter SIMA drafted: January 8, 2021 To: All State or Provincial Health Departments in the USA and Canada Please consider this correspondence a request to have snow and ice removal service providers be recognized as essential workers and to be offered Phase 1 priority in COVID-19 vaccine priority. Essential workers recommended for vaccination in Phase 1 ...