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weed control

Successful Turfgrass Seeding & Fertilization

Spring overseeding
Aside from trying to thicken-up a lawn, are there other reasons for doing a Spring overseeding? One big reason for overseeding is to adjust the cultivar, or add multiple species to an old lawn. As time goes by, some older turfgrass species have shown they are more susceptible to certain ...

Groundcover Alternatives To Mulch 

Try these weed-smothering, attractive, spreading (but not invasive!) plants.   Who doesn’t want a garden that requires less weeding? For landscapers and their clients it means a more consistently attractive landscape, less time spent on maintenance, and more time that can be directed toward other projects on the property. With ...

Fall Turf Tune-Up

Turfgrass maintenance
Turfgrass maintenance is a critical aspect of maintaining healthy lawns: Fall is a chance to prepare turf for both Winter and Spring.

Transforming Turf

TruNorth Landscaping
TruNorth Landscape earned Gold in Residential Lawn Care from NALP for bringing the green back to this grass.

Get Equipped: 9 New Pesticides, Herbicides & Fertilizers

Pesticides Herbicides Fertilizers
An assortment of pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers to help grow green, healthy, pest- and weed-free lawns for your clients.

NaturaLawn: Lawn Chemicals Concern 83% Of Pet Owners

Naturalawn Dogs
According to a survey conducted by NaturaLawn, 83% of pet owners are concerned about the effects chemicals from their yard can have on pets.

NaturaLawn: Lawn Chemicals Concern 83% Of Pet Owners

Naturalawn Dogs
According to a survey conducted by NaturaLawn, 83% of pet owners are concerned about the effects chemicals from their yard can have on pets.

Nufarm Launches Next-Generation Of SureGuard® EZ Herbicide

Nufarm SureGuard
Nufarm's new SureGuard® EZ Herbicide offers easier mixing/handling with the same long-lasting residual control of grass and broadleaf weeds.

Get Equipped: 9 New Pesticides, Herbicides & Fertilizers

Pesticides Herbicides Fertilizers
An assortment of pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers to help grow green, healthy, pest- and weed-free lawns for your clients.

Unleash The Power Of Green

Sunday Lawn Care Products
Find out how Sunday Lawn Care Products can give your business a boost this season.
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