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Xeriscaping Is Not ZEROscaping! A Photo Gallery

New photo gallery from High Country Gardens showcases the beauty and potential of lush, drought-savvy landscaping.

Desert Decadence In An Arizona Landscape Design

Desert Foothills Landscape
Even in the extreme heat conditions of Southern Arizona, Desert Foothills Landscape designed and installed a stunning, functional landscape while also being water and climate conscious.

Desert Decadence In An Arizona Landscape Design

Desert Foothills Landscape
Even in the extreme heat conditions of Southern Arizona, Desert Foothills Landscape designed and installed a stunning, functional landscape while also being water and climate conscious.

Xeriscaping Is Not ZEROscaping! A Photo Gallery

New photo gallery from High Country Gardens showcases the beauty and potential of lush, drought-savvy landscaping.

Two New Garden & Landscape Books Cover Water Shortage Issues

DRY CLIMATE GARDENING By Noelle Johnson ∙ Publishing March 7, 2023 Author and desert horticulturist Noelle Johnson, also known as AZ Plant Lady, delivers all the know-how you need to grow a breathtaking, colorful, and vibrant garden in low-water conditions. With water restrictions and the number of gardeners dealing with drought ...

Two New Garden & Landscape Books Cover Water Shortage Issues

DRY CLIMATE GARDENING By Noelle Johnson ∙ Publishing March 7, 2023 Author and desert horticulturist Noelle Johnson, also known as AZ Plant Lady, delivers all the know-how you need to grow a breathtaking, colorful, and vibrant garden in low-water conditions. With water restrictions and the number of gardeners dealing with drought ...

Drought, Lawn Removal, & Landscape Watering Survey Released

Nearly 20% of U.S. homeowners with water restrictions have removed lawns, according to a just-released survey from Rachio, a manufacturer of smart irrigation controllers. With nearly half of the U.S. currently in drought, the survey found many homeowners are changing their landscape watering habits. Lawns and gardens make up about ...

Drought, Lawn Removal, & Landscape Watering Survey Released

Nearly 20% of U.S. homeowners with water restrictions have removed lawns, according to a just-released survey from Rachio, a manufacturer of smart irrigation controllers. With nearly half of the U.S. currently in drought, the survey found many homeowners are changing their landscape watering habits. Lawns and gardens make up about ...

11 Landscape Design Trends To Expect This Spring

Landscape Design Trends
From avoiding invasives to xeriscaping, these are the landscape requests to anticipate from homeowners.   Tilly, which offers outsourced landscape design services (profiled in Turf Spring 2021), has a unique perspective on what landscape customers want. As an affordable online service, landscape design is all they do and homeowner-clients are located ...

11 Landscape Design Trends To Expect This Spring

Landscape Design Trends
From avoiding invasives to xeriscaping, these are the landscape requests to anticipate from homeowners.   Tilly, which offers outsourced landscape design services (profiled in Turf Spring 2021), has a unique perspective on what landscape customers want. As an affordable online service, landscape design is all they do and homeowner-clients are located ...