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Business Management

Lake City Community College

A great resource for employers and students alike Photos Courtesy of Lake City Community College. Turf and landscape companies seeking to upgrade their workforce can find a great resource in Lake City Community College (LCCC), Lake City, Fla. John R. Piersol, director of the division of golf, landscape and forestry, ...

Looking Professional

Uniforms help your employees stand out No matter how dirty you get at work, there is no excuse for having an unprofessional appearance when you show up in the morning at your client’s door. The easiest way to convey a professional look is for you and your workers to wear ...

All in the Family

Diane Salks credits loyal employees for 40 years of growth in Pennsylvania Click image to enlarge. Riverview Tree and Landscaping took the pool out (pictured here) and transformed it into a pond. Diane Salks doesn’t toot her own horn about the company’s ability to thrive during the 2008-’09 Recession. She ...

42nd Annual Ohio Turfgrass Conference & Show

Columbus, Ohio, December 8-11 Grow your knowledge through a wide range of educational opportunities. Spend time at the largest regional turfgrass show in the country and learn from the experience of others while discovering the latest in turfgrass management. Share stories and uncover solutions to your problems by networking at ...

A Hard Look at Software

Advance your business through computers “If my best friend asked me, ‘What do I need to do to get into the lawn and landscape business?’ I would tell them that before you buy a truck, or a mower, or a spreader or anything else, to get yourself a computer, get ...

Professor Extraordinaire

Lawrence Dickinson’s Winter School for Greenkeepers Professor Dickinson early in his career. For the past 82 years, at this time of the season turf managers have gravitated to the University of Massachusetts for what was originally named the Winter School for Greenkeepers at Massachusetts Agricultural College. Thousands of superintendents, many ...