An emerald ash borer (EAB) program report was released last week from the USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS). Here are some highlights:
- A proposal to remove the EAB domestic quarantine regulations is still awaiting its final rule. Published in September of 2018, the open comment period ended in November 2018 and comments and information are being reviewed. In keeping with USDA’s goal of reducing regulations that have outlived their usefulness, the proposal would end APHIS’ domestic regulatory activities, which includes actions such as—issuing permits, certificates, and compliance agreements; making site visits; and conducting investigations of suspected violations—and instead direct all available resources toward managing the pest (discussed below). Thirty-five states currently have at least some portion of their area under federal quarantine boundaries. Colorado’s Broomfield County is one of the latest additions. For a map of quarantine areas, click here.
Tetrastichus drills through the bark to lay eggs inside EAB larvae. Photo: Jonathan Lelito. Courtesy of USDA.