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Ruppert Landscape Appoints Bob Jones as Chief Sales Officer

Ruppert Bob Jones
Ruppert Landscape has announced the appointment of Bob Jones as Chief Sales Officer to oversee business development efforts.

Green Lawn Fertilizing/Green Pest Solutions Promotes Willey

Company founder, owner and CEO Matt Jesson has promoted Josh Willey to President.

Clay Eubanks Celebrates 40 Years With Takeuchi

Clay Eubanks, vice chairman of Takeuchi-US, has recently celebrated four successful decades with the company.

William Quigley To Lead LMC Landscape Partners’ M&A Efforts

LMC Landscape Partners (LMC) has announced that William Quigley will be taking on an expanded role in leading partnership initiatives.

Get Equipped: Landscaping And Lawn Care Workwear And Gear

From work boots to hoodies and headphones, this selection of landscaping and lawn care workwear and gear will make sure your team is ready to take on any job.

The Value of Using Dash Cams In Company Vehicles

Crash avoidance is everything: Installing dash cams in your company vehicles can identify employees' risky driving behaviors.

Massey Promotes Marquardt to Director of IT Infastructure

Massey Marquardt
Massey Services has announced the promotion of Howard Marquardt with 18+ years of company experience to Director of IT Infastructure.

Want To Be Featured In “The Yardstick” Business Profile?

Turf Yardstick
Would Green Industry professionals benefit from reading your lawn care/tree services success story? Want to be profiled in "The Yardstick"?

NuFarm Makes Personnel Changes

Nufarm SureGuard
Ken Barham will succeed Brendan Deck as Regional General Manager, North America of NuFarm on October 1, 2024.

Envu U.S. Named Great Place To Work

Envu Great Place
The "Great Place to Work" distinguished certification has been awarded to Envu U.S based on employee feedback.