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Irrigation & Water Management

Nexus eWater Grey Water Recycling Solution

Nexus eWater is introducing a system to recycle homes’ grey water so it can be reused on landscapes and in toilets, reducing homeowners’ potable water usage by more than 35 percent. The company’s home water recycling solutions are attracting the interest of California builders. Bob Hitchner, the company’s chief marketing ...

Is the Water Issue Finally Bringing Builders and Landscapers Together?

A common goal of water-saving initiatives could be improving relationships in your business.

Go with the Flow

Research provides better understanding of soils and how they interact with water.

Through the Heart of Texas

There's another Colorado River, and it's vital to the Texas landscape industry.

Video Series Helps Californians Conserve More Water

Water is one of our greatest natural resources. Years of drought have caused local aquifers and regional water sources to deplete significantly. Here are some tips from UC Master Gardener about how to conserve water in your landscape.

We Can Conserve Water Without Ungrassing?

Let’s get sensible about lawns in regions in the U.S. that are arid or periodically suffer severe droughts. Whenever water gets scare, lawns take a big hit from water agencies. Let’s get sensible about lawns in California. Is it necessary for water agencies to always target lawns whenever water conservation ...

Do Poison Ivy Leaves Look Like Dollar Bills?

I like to wear shorts in the summer, especially around my house, when I mow my small lawn and when I help my wife in her incredible garden. My primary responsibilities as a gardener’s helper include digging, carrying and debris removal. Oh, and I almost forgot weeding. That’s where my ...

Irrigation Auditing: Tighten Up

The importance of efficient irrigation in landscape management grows day by day with many parts of the country being in extreme drought. Another factor influencing turf and landscape watering is the hotly debated issue of climate change. While many scientists agree that climate change is underway, many people remain skeptical. ...

Small-Town Success

Young Iowa landscape pro builds his dream business one property at a time.

Take Control

Here's what makes smart controllers so darn smart.