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Pesticides, Herbicides & Fertilizers

Bite Back! Add Mosquito Control Services

mosquito control
By offering mosquito control services, you may be able to land more clients or sell current clients additional landscaping services.

Nufarm Launches Next-Generation Of SureGuard® EZ Herbicide

Nufarm SureGuard
Nufarm's new SureGuard® EZ Herbicide offers easier mixing/handling with the same long-lasting residual control of grass and broadleaf weeds.

USDA’s Most Recent Plans For Eliminating Asian Longhorned Beetle

Currently, 278.3 square miles are under federal quarantine for Asian longhorned beetle in Massachusetts, New York, Ohio, and South Carolina. Here's what to look for.

Mosquitoes Dominate Homeowners’ Yard Worries, With Ticks Close Behind

Have you added mosquito control services? 71% of American homeowners say they have avoided going to or left an event early because of bugs, according to a survey by NaturaLawn.

Box Tree Moth Quarantine Areas Expanding

The latest Federal Order establishes quarantine areas for box tree moth in four states. It was first reported in the U.S. in 2021.

New Sustainable Fertilizers From Building Waste, Rain & Solar Energy

Nutrient Recovery Systems
Nutrient Recovery Services is closing the loop with sustainable fertilizer production from the PAE Living Building in Portland, OR.

Neonic Alternatives For Grubs

grub control
With neonicotinoids increasingly under fire, do you have a backup plan for grub control?

Protecting Landscapes From Destructive Iguanas

Invasive iguanas can wreak havoc on landscapes. Imagine deer that burrow and climb! Here are some deterrents.

Get Equipped: 9 New Pesticides, Herbicides & Fertilizers

Pesticides Herbicides Fertilizers
An assortment of pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers to help grow green, healthy, pest- and weed-free lawns for your clients.

It’s Spring! Get A Jump On Invasive Insects With These USDA Updates

spotted lanternfly nymphs
Today's the first day of Spring and along with greening turfgrass, singing birds, and blooming daffodils, are the far less welcome signs of warming temperatures—the return of hungry invasive insects.
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