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Improving Transplant Success Of Container-Grown Trees

Transplant Trees
Cregg and Rouse are involved in a research project at Michigan State University on “Improving transplant success of container-grown landscape trees.” Here are some of the findings they’ve shared with Turf Tree Services. Trees provide a myriad of functions and benefits in landscapes including shading, screening unwanted views, serving as ...

Win More Work With This Tree Tech

Map-based software
One of the best opportunities to differentiate your tree care services to potential clients is with a strong proposal. This small window of time with a client is where your company’s value and expertise can rise above the competition. And this is where the advantage of map-based software really shines. ...

The Whys Of Winter Pruning & More

Winter Pruning
While there’s a lot of landscaping tasks that need to take place before the first freeze, luckily tree and shrub pruning is not one of them. In fact, there are actually several advantages to winter pruning — for both you and the plant. Here are a few. Visibility. When leaves ...

Performing A Tree Species Analysis

tree species analysis
Do your clients have too many of too few tree species? Probably. An overabundance of just a handful—such as elm, eucalyptus, Austrian pine, ash, silver maple and linden—is problematic. With species-targeting maladies such as Dutch elm disease and emerald ash borer, over-reliance on a particular tree, tempting as it may ...

Three Tree & Shrub Pests To Watch

pests Spotted Lanternfly
Last December, a CNN article declared 2020 as the year of scary bugs. But 2021 has perhaps been worse with the return of the infamous murder hornets, 17-year-dormant Brood X cicadas, spotted lanternflies, and more. Unfortunately, pests can sabotage the enjoyment of outdoor spaces. And 75% of people deemed outdoor ...

Fall Leaf Mulching

Leaf mulching
For those in landscaping, fall is one of the hardest working seasons of the year with shorter daylight hours, large projects wrapping up, and the tsunami of leaves which “need” attending to before the snows fall. But what if the annual ritual of leaf clean-ups was reexamined? What about a ...

OSHA Issues Updated Guidance For Tree Care Industry Inspections

The U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has issued a memorandum updating its enforcement guidance for compliance safety and health officers (CSHOs) when inspecting tree care and tree removal operations. The memorandum highlights some of the hazards faced by workers engaged in tree care and tree ...

Late Summer Tree Care

Late summer is a good time to look for potential problems in your customers’ landscapes. Early leaf color changes or drop, galls on external tree tissues, and caterpillar webs are three of the possible things that may be affecting your customers’ trees and shrubs. But before you start up the ...

Three Tree Diseases To Watch

Tree diseases
Tree diseases continue to be a problem throughout the country causing harm and threatening otherwise healthy trees. The Davey Tree Expert Company’s Diagnostic Laboratory identified the top three most common diseases they diagnosed over the course of 2020. These top three diseases affect the appearance of a variety of trees ...

Preventative Tree Care For Long-Term Health

tree care
You never want to leave money on the table—no matter what type of business you operate. But when arborists or tree care professionals leave the job site without talking to the homeowner or property manager about preventative tree care, that’s exactly what happens. Worse, this also means you’re not leveraging ...