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Why Mighty Oaks Should Be On Your Planting List

Doug Tallamy
To many, Doug Tallamy needs no introduction. A renowned ecologist, his 2020 NY Times Best Seller, Nature’s Best Hope, showed homeowners how to turn their yards into conservation corridors. His latest book, The Nature of Oaks, was released in March 2021. Here he offers a message specifically written for Turf ...

Why Mighty Oaks Should Be On Your Planting List

Doug Tallamy
To many, Doug Tallamy needs no introduction. A renowned ecologist, his 2020 NY Times Best Seller, Nature’s Best Hope, showed homeowners how to turn their yards into conservation corridors. His latest book, The Nature of Oaks, was released in March 2021. Here he offers a message specifically written for Turf ...

Improving Transplant Success Of Container-Grown Trees

Transplant Trees
Cregg and Rouse are involved in a research project at Michigan State University on “Improving transplant success of container-grown landscape trees.” Here are some of the findings they’ve shared with Turf Tree Services. Trees provide a myriad of functions and benefits in landscapes including shading, screening unwanted views, serving as ...

Improving Transplant Success Of Container-Grown Trees

Transplant Trees
Cregg and Rouse are involved in a research project at Michigan State University on “Improving transplant success of container-grown landscape trees.” Here are some of the findings they’ve shared with Turf Tree Services. Trees provide a myriad of functions and benefits in landscapes including shading, screening unwanted views, serving as ...

Win More Work With This Tree Tech

Map-based software
One of the best opportunities to differentiate your tree care services to potential clients is with a strong proposal. This small window of time with a client is where your company’s value and expertise can rise above the competition. And this is where the advantage of map-based software really shines. ...

Win More Work With This Tree Tech

Map-based software
One of the best opportunities to differentiate your tree care services to potential clients is with a strong proposal. This small window of time with a client is where your company’s value and expertise can rise above the competition. And this is where the advantage of map-based software really shines. ...

The Whys Of Winter Pruning & More

Winter Pruning
While there’s a lot of landscaping tasks that need to take place before the first freeze, luckily tree and shrub pruning is not one of them. In fact, there are actually several advantages to winter pruning — for both you and the plant. Here are a few. Visibility. When leaves ...

The Whys Of Winter Pruning & More

Winter Pruning
While there’s a lot of landscaping tasks that need to take place before the first freeze, luckily tree and shrub pruning is not one of them. In fact, there are actually several advantages to winter pruning — for both you and the plant. Here are a few. Visibility. When leaves ...

Performing A Tree Species Analysis

tree species analysis
Do your clients have too many of too few tree species? Probably. An overabundance of just a handful—such as elm, eucalyptus, Austrian pine, ash, silver maple and linden—is problematic. With species-targeting maladies such as Dutch elm disease and emerald ash borer, over-reliance on a particular tree, tempting as it may ...

Performing A Tree Species Analysis

tree species analysis
Do your clients have too many of too few tree species? Probably. An overabundance of just a handful—such as elm, eucalyptus, Austrian pine, ash, silver maple and linden—is problematic. With species-targeting maladies such as Dutch elm disease and emerald ash borer, over-reliance on a particular tree, tempting as it may ...