Jason Borawski, Old Bridge, N.J,. is the 100th franchisee of Grounds Guys Landscape Management. With six employees, the 20-year veteran of lawn care and his staff offer a complete line of lawn maintenance, landscaping, design/build and snow removal.
We recently came on board with the Grounds Guys because Adam Rogers, in Waco, Texas, kept calling and explaining the advantages of a franchise operation, and those advantages were just what I was looking for,” explained Borawski. “They can help me grow my business-especially commercial bids and things like that. Rogers always mentioned ‘respect’ whenever we talked and that’s a value I admire.”
In addition, Borawski acknowledged that he needed more quality time at home with his wife and two young daughters. “I didn’t want my girls to think daddy went to work one morning and didn’t come back until fall.”
Having clean trucks, well-trained employees in uniform and good equipment were also factors that favored the Grounds Guys over other franchisers. “But the biggest thing,” reports Borawski, "was that the company never tried to tell me how to run my business. Instead they offer guidelines, directions to help you make more money. And, their business management expertise, with product ratios and all that, told me that they knew what they were talking about.”
“No time to celebrate being number 100,” Borawski notes. “It’s time for spring cleanup, besides, there’s about 112 of them (franchises) now.”