Arysta LifeScience Receives 2(ee) Recommendation for XONERATE on Kentucky Bluegrass


Arysta LifeScience has received a 2(ee) recommendation for the use of XONERATE 
Herbicide on Kentucky Bluegrass from the United States Environmental Protection 
Agency as part of the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act. 

Specifically, XONERATE will help eliminate Poa annua from Kentucky Bluegrass. 
Studies and research show XONERATE to be 90 percent effective in controlling Poa  
, more than any other current product on the market. XONERATE also provides 
greater application flexibility for users. 

For specific XONERATE application instructions or to view the entire 2(ee) technical 
information bulletin, please follow this link to the Arysta LifeScience website.