Texas City Considers Limiting Irrigated Lawn Size

Source: www.TurfMagazine.com

GEORGETOWN Texas – The city council here recently adopted its 2014 water conservation plan and approved the first reading to amend the city’s water utility services ordinance.

The plan outlines irrigation and landscape requirements, including limits to the amount of area in a lawn that can be landscaped and irrigated as well as allowable plants and turf grasses, for new construction and installation of new irrigation systems, reports impactnews.com

The code limits the irrigation area to 2 1/2  times the structure’s foundation or a maximum of 10,000 sq. ft. to reduce the amount of turf to be irrigated, which is the primary cause of increased or excessive irrigation, Babin said.

Georgetown Utility Manager Jim Briggs said the city’s goal is to lower the per capita water usage from 218 gallons to 160 gallons per person per day. Georgetown is a city of about 47,000 people. It is located about 25 miles north of Austin, Texas.

To read the complete article at impactnew.com click here.