Toro Recognizes California Water Agencies for Efforts in Water Conservation


RIVERSIDE, Calif. – The Toro Company, in partnership with more than 30 water districts and cities throughout the state of California, has helped water agencies reduce per capita water consumption this past year through the program.

This consumer-oriented program, pioneered by Riverside Public Utilities and Western Municipal Water District, has now facilitated the retrofit of more than 1.3 million conventional, high-flow sprinkler nozzles with Toro Precision Series high-efficiency spray nozzles. Given the nozzle upgrades approved, Toro estimates that 9 billion gallons of water have been saved in Southern California from this program alone.

The program started in 2010 as a means of helping residents in Riverside use water more efficiently, especially for landscape irrigation purposes. It provides homeowners free vouchers to exchange their high-flow sprinkler spray nozzles for high-efficiency, low-flow models, now with the added feature of pressure-compensating screens to reduce wasteful misting and overspray. Homeowners who qualify can receive up to 25 of these water-saving nozzles at no charge. Commercial accounts can qualify for more.

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