Three Award Winning Rose Selections For Client Landscapes

Award Rose
Pretty Polly White Rose

Star Roses and Plants offers three American Rose Trials for Sustainability® winners all chosen for hardiness, pest resistance, and beauty.


Star® Roses and Plants, a genetics company involved in breeding roses, edibles, and woody plants, recently won three awards from The American Rose Trials for Sustainability® (A.R.T.S.®) program. A.R.T.S. identifies the most sustainable, hardy, pest-resistant, and beautiful rose cultivars for use in American landscapes and gardens.

Pretty Polly Pink
Award Roses
Petite Knock Out

The winners are as follows:

Pretty Polly® White: Pretty Polly® White is a white Polyantha Rose with very good disease resistance and excellent flowering from Spring through Fall. It maintains a pleasing, compact habit in the landscape and is nearly thornless! The white flowers contrast well with the green foliage.

Pretty Polly® Pink: Pretty Polly® Pink is a pink Polyantha Rose with very good disease resistance and exceptional flowering from Spring through Fall. It is attractively compact in the landscape.

Petite Knock Out®: Petite Knock Out® is the first-ever miniature Knock Out® Rose. It has the same flower power, easy care, and disease resistance as others in the family, but in a petite size. Plant in decorative containers for a patio or in groups for a dramatic pop of color.

Adding color and beauty to any lawn, the award-winning Pretty Polly White, Pretty Polly Pink, and Petite Knock Out roses would be perfect additions to any client’s lawn.

For a list of other blooms perfect for landscape clients, click here.