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6 Top Stories On turfmagazine.kinsta.cloud In 2017

Check out these top hitting articles for some top-notch business advice.

One of the coolest side effects of producing content for turfmagazine.kinsta.cloud is the analytics we get from the website telling us just what you want to read. It’s clear that the nitty-gritty information that helps you better run your business and do your job is what you want — and we plan to give you more of that in 2018. So here’s a look back at some of the articles that were most read on turfmagazine.kinsta.cloud in 2017. If you haven’t read these yet, make sure you do. Most of your peers already have.

1. 5 Tips To Enhance Broadleaf Weed Control

Broadleaf weed control is an important aspect to every turf care program. Weeds are the main reason that homeowners hire lawn care professionals. There are a lot of factors that go into good broadleaf weed control but, we have highlighted the five most important tips to enhancing your broadleaf weed control program.

2. “Big 4” Engine Manufacturers Battle For Commercial Mowing Market

Commercial mowing remains such an important revenue-producing service for so many contractors regardless of region of the country. Briggs & Stratton, Kawasaki, Kohler and Subaru are particularly busy expanding their line-ups of engines for commercial mowers. After a huge slump coming out of the 2009 recession, the number of commercial mowers being sold is growing again. Engine manufacturers foresee continued growth for the next several years, at least.

3. Top 10 Apps For Landscapers

These days there’s an app for almost anything, and landscape and turf management is no exception. But we know that sifting through all of the apps in the app store can be time-consuming for professionals who have very little free time. We’ve compiled a top 10 list that includes apps for both use in the field and in the office.

4. Our Guide To Stand-On Commercial Mowers

Some contractors rely upon stand-on mowers as their primary cutting machines. Many other landscape pros use them as one of several different types of commercial mowers in their production fleets. Contractors took advantage of this past October’s GIE+EXPO to compare a large number of stand-on brands.

5. Controlling Brown Patch In Tall Fescue Lawns

Brown patch is the Achilles’ heel of tall fescue. Watch for the disease in vulnerable areas like shaded spots. A lack of morning sun and decreased airflow can encourage brown patch to flourish. This article will goes into detail about how to prevent and treat brown patch.

6. How To Determine The Ideal Mowing Height

Cutting at the ideal height, regardless of season and conditions, results in lush, healthy turf that fends off weeds, drought and disease. Customers that insist on having their lawns mowed to within a half inch of bare dirt can be problematic for contractors. Maybe it’s time to help educate your clients.

What article has been the most helpful to you this past year and why? Let us know!

Read more top hitting stories: Top 5 Stories On turfmagazine.kinsta.cloud From 2016

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Understanding Regulations

ICYMI: Understanding Regulations & Running a Safe Fleet (WEBINAR)

The most recent Turf webinar with J.J. Keller VideoProtects explain what regulations apply to your operation — and how to comply with them.

Listen Now: Segway Navimow Glides Into Robotic Mower Market

PODCAST: Turf talks with Wayne Kreifels of Segway Navimow, to discuss their entrance into the robotic mower market.

Yanmar TL65RS

Yanmar Launches TL65RS Compact Track Loader

Yanmar Compact Equipment has launched the midsize TL65RS as part of its new line of compact track loaders.

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