Editor’s Letter
Scarcity To Abundance Mindset
A s an Industry that deals in living materials, the importance of water cannot be overemphasized. Today, the scarcity of water in many regions is the foundation from which all other landscape decisions are made. In other areas, hotter temperatures and less frequent, but more powerful rain deluges are bringing their own set of challenges in erosion, plant selection, and stormwater catchment. Even in a perfect world, conservation makes financial sense (“Smart Savings With Smart Irrigation”).
Yet for all this talk of scarcity and conservation, this issue of Turf is really about abundance. Articles from four different landscape firms across the country show how being water savvy can actually mean a return to the lush appeal of prairies, meadows, and high desert —native environments as beautiful as they are resilient.
Does this potentially mean less lawn? Yes. But as in all things, compromise is key. There will always be a place for lawns. However, replacing some lawn with a biodiverse selection of natives is where we see the ironic reward of less water use, but a more abundant-appearing landscape.
We start our U.S. tour in Colorado where Paige Payne of Online Landscape Designs outlines the basic principles of water-wise design that is increasingly a “must” in her area, but makes sense anywhere (“Water-Wise Landscapes”). Next, we head to Pennsylvania where Refugia Design-Build is redefining suburban landscapes with low input, yet high impact designs that are in hot demand from clients (“Low Input, High Impact”). Next stop is California where ongoing water crisis has made landscape designers into expert mathematicians, such as John Black of Verdance Landscape Architecture who can hydrozone, figure ETo rates, and still produce unparalleled beauty (“Hydrozoning”). And finally, we head to Arizona where Desert Foothills Landscape transforms hot and dry rockscapes into cool blue and green palettes of Sonoran desert cacti and agave (“Desert Decadence”). We hope these talented firms inspire you to embrace your own take on creative conservation!
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Turf June 2024 Issue | Table of Contents
Water-Wise Landscapes | Five steps to designing landscapes for water conservation.
Business: Franchise Opportunities | Green Industry business models that are flourishing.
Low Input, High Impact | Lawn alternatives for water management, eco-benefit, and beauty.
Hydrozoning | The science and design of thriving, water-efficient landscapes.
Smart Savings With Smart Irrigation | The numbers prove you can conserve a natural resource and save money. Here’s how.
Desert Decadence | How Desert Foothills Landscape creates lush landscapes in a hot, dry environment.
Biting Back! | Adding mosquito control services can bring some buzz to your business.
The Yardstick: Mark Borst | Borst’s entrepreneurial spirit helped transform a love of the outdoors into an unexpected love for business.
Get Equipped: Irrigation & Water Management
Get Equipped: Plant, Patio & Pool
Get Equipped: Hardscape & Installation Equipment
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