Editor’s Letter
The Real Deal
It’s something you hear a lot about at any Green Industry event: the candid willingness of people in this Industry to share their knowledge. In every issue of Turf, we try to take advantage of this admirable quality by seeking out not just experts, but Industry peers who stand side-by-side with you in striving for business success. And it’s always amazing how many will generously take time out of incredibly busy schedules to write an article, sharing their stories and experiences. This issue is no different.
When it came to covering what’s happening in Equipment, it was dealers, the ones who are talking to contractors daily, who readily provided real-world perspective. We sent each the same set of questions and gathered their honest answers on top sellers, as well as what trends and companies to keep an eye on. We also reached out to Matt Losey, newly appointed senior manager of Equipment at Bartlett Tree Experts, who despite tackling a whole new set of responsibilities, kindly shared his journey from an entry-level position dragging brush to overseeing equipment at a company of 3,000 employees and 167 operations.
Another source that shared their experiences this month was the team at Weller Brothers Landscape Professionals. When I received news that they were opening new locations after 17 years in business, I wondered what instigated this decision and how they were handling it. They graciously submitted an account of the hows and whys of their strategic growth plan, including lessons learned along the way.
Finally, since Turf readers are often contemplating turfgrass growth when not focused on business growth, Jason McCausland, national technical coordinator at Weed Man, offers his tips on Fall turf tune-ups. Do you have a story to tell? Reach out. We’re all doing our part in this Industry to exchange frustrations, challenges, successes, and solutions. Most of all, we’re keeping it real.
Twitter: @TurfMagazine
Turf October 2023 Issue | Table of Contents

THE REAL DEAL | Five OPE dealers across the country reveal their top sellers, trends, and companies to watch.
MANAGING EQUIPMENT FOR BARTLETT TREE EXPERTS | As a business of over 3,000 employees and 167 operations in 39 states and abroad, Bartlett has complex needs. The company’s new Senior Manager of Equipment talks shop.
NAVIGATING GROWTH | Weller Brothers Landscape Professionals started opening new locations after 17 years in business. They share the whys and hows of their strategic growth plan.
FALL TURF TUNE-UP | Evaluation and fertilization tips for Winter hardiness and Spring success.
TREE SERVICES® MAGAZINE | In this issue of Tree Services, we bring you four articles dedicated to enhancing tree longevity.
THE YARDSTICK: JOSHUA MALIK | From a start in the garage to creating a franchise, the entrepreneurial spirit behind Joshua Tree Experts.