WESTERN 5 Plow Giveaway November Winner


The November winner of the WESTERN 5 Plow Giveaway is Rex Morioka of Schiller Park, Ill. He wins a WESTERN PRODIGY multi-position winged snowplow.

The PRODIGY snowplow features a patented mechanical wing design that automatically positions its wings to deliver maximum plowing efficiency. Whether in straight-ahead scoop mode or angled for windrowing, it delivers multi-position winged plow productivity in a unit that’s as easy to operate as a straight blade.

The December 5 Plow Giveaway prize is the WESTERN MVP 3 V-plow. Visit westernplows.com and facebook.com/WesternPlows for two chances to enter the drawing. One winner’s name will be drawn at the beginning of January and announced on the WESTERN Facebook page.