SAN DIEGO, CALIF. – Attendee registration is now open for the Irrigation Association’s 2011 Irrigation Show, Nov. 6-8, and Innovations in Irrigation Education Conference, Nov. 3-8, at the San Diego Convention Center. Attendees who register by Sept. 28 will receive discounted rates.
New in 2011:
á The expanded education conference will feature a series of one-hour irrigation seminars designed to reinforce irrigation industry best practices. These agricultural and landscape irrigation seminars will cover concepts, implementation and “how-to’s.” IA-certified professionals will earn one continuing education unit for each one-hour session attended.
á The exhibit hall will feature its first pond and waterscape pavilion. The International Professional Pond Companies Association will also be hosting its seventh annual INFO TANZA event at the show. Three days of INFO TANZA pond and waterscape educational seminars are being offered (separate registration is required).
á On the show floor, a new reception will kick off the exhibition giving attendees more networking opportunities.
á An expanded New Product Contest – offered exclusively for Irrigation Show exhibitors – will allow submission of an unlimited number of products for consideration. In addition to naming a winner in each category, a second-place prize category has been added to recognize more innovations.
Quick Facts:
á Traditionally, San Diego has been one of the most well attended show locations. More than 300 exhibitors and 6,000 attendees are expected.
á The show floor features 200,000 square feet of irrigation equipment, systems, services and accessories.
á Center Stage, on the show floor, returns as a place to gather and learn about emerging trends, industry issues and smart business practices. Features will include the Ag Insight Sessions and Contractor Business Sessions.
á Education classes, technical sessions and IA certification exams will again be offered on-site as part of the education conference. Exam participants must submit registration and exam fee by Oct. 10.
á Desi Williamson, a former industry employee turned motivational speaker, will serve as emcee for the General Session. Alan Beaulieu of the Institute for Trend Research will be our featured speaker. Beaulieu will provide valuable insights and a fresh take on economics and the irrigation industry. The General Session is also the event where IA presents its awards, New Product Contest winners and introduces the newly elected board members. Attendees of the General Session will be entered into a drawing for a chance to win one of two iPADs being given away by IA.
Several hotels are offering a special Irrigation Show rate, but rooms must be booked no later than Oct. 11. For show details and to register, visit