Get Equipped: Pesticides And Fertilizers

Take a look at this assortment of pesticides and fertilizers that can improve and add value to your professional lawn care and landscaping services. Pesticides Fiesta® Turf Weed Killer From Neudorff Fiesta® Turf Weed Killer is a selective, broadleaf weed killer that leaves turf healthy and weed-free. It is used for ...

Take a look at this assortment of pesticides and fertilizers that can improve and add value to your professional lawn care and landscaping services.


Fiesta® Turf Weed Killer From Neudorffpesticides and fertilizers

Fiesta® Turf Weed Killer is a selective, broadleaf weed killer that leaves turf healthy and weed-free. It is used for post-emergent broadleaf weed control, as well as pre-emergent smooth crabgrass control. With active ingredient Iron HEDTA (26.52%), Fiesta produces visible same-day results even in cool weather. The product works in temperatures between 50°F-85°F, and one gallon will treat up to 10,000 sq.ft. For post-emergent broadleaf weed control, users mix 5 fl.oz. in one gallon of water. For broadcast application, users apply mixed solution at a rate of five to 10 gallons per 1,000 sq.ft. For target application, users should spray weeds to point of runoff. Repeat treatment in 3-4 weeks for best results. Using Fiesta for pre-emergent control of smooth crabgrass calls for users to begin application when soil temperatures reach 50°F-55°F. Users mix 5 fl.oz. of product in one gallon of water, and then apply five to 10 gallons of spray solution per 1,000 sq.ft. depending on weed pressure. For best results, reapply after 3-6 weeks.

Vexis Herbicide From PBI-Gordonpesticides and fertilizers

Vexis Herbicide™ Granular from PBI-Gordon Corporation is formulated to provide targeted, post-emergent control of sedges and kyllinga species, including purple and yellow nutsedge, cockscomb, and false green kyllinga. The granular formulation helps reduce off-target drift and volatility. For use on residential and commercial sites, sports facilities, and golf course tees, fairways, and roughs, Vexis Herbicide Granular can be used on a wide variety of cool- and warm-season turfgrasses—Kentucky bluegrass, fine and tall fescues, perennial ryegrass, bentgrass, Bermudagrass, bahiagrass, buffalograss, kikuyugrass, seashore paspalum, St. Augustinegrass (including improved varieties), and zoysiagrass. Update – May 25, 2021: PBI-Gordon announced Vexis® Herbicide Granular had received registration by the State of New York Department of Pesticide Regulation for use in the state of New York (available for sale in June 2021). Based on the proprietary active ingredient Pyrimisulfan, Vexis is the result of an exclusive partnership between PBI-Gordon Corporation, Kumiai Chemical Industry Co., Ltd. and their US subsidiary K-I Chemical U.S.A Inc. Vexis was introduced to the market in early 2020.

KARMA Fungicide From Sipcampesticides

Sipcam Agro USA has released its Karma™ Fungicide. The highly systemic fungicide is a tool to combat many Pythium diseases, including damping-off, cottony blight, grease spot, and root rot. “As golf superintendents and turf and lawn managers know, Pythium diseases can be devastating even for the most well-maintained turf grass,” says Todd Mason, director of national sales and development for Specialty at Sipcam. “Pythium reduces the turf’s ability to absorb water and nutrition from the soil and causes roots to die back. It’s extremely difficult to get rid of, so prevention is key. Karma Fungicide does both.” Karma can be used in the summer as a curative when signs of Pythium begin to appear, minimizing potential turf damage. The fungicide delivers maximum returns when used as a preventative in early spring. The fungicide is suitable for tank-mixing to broaden the disease-control spectrum and can be applied following germination or to established turf. It absorbs quickly, which benefits translocation, and its multi-site mode of action makes it an effective resistance management tool.

SULFEN 4 SC Herbicide From RightLinepesticides

RightLine® SULFEN 4 SC contains the active ingredient Sulfentrazone, and is geared for broad spectrum weed control in both warm season and cool season turf. SULFEN 4 SC is effective for controlling more than 50 weeds, and is especially useful for controlling Yellow Nutsedge and Green Kyllinga. RightLine SULFEN 4 SC may be used on most turf including: lawn care and landscapes; golf courses; and non-crop uses such as railroad, highway, roadside, pipeline and utility rights of way, industrial areas, fence rows, and other listed sites. Sold through the standard distribution channels, RightLine SULFEN 4 SC provides excellent weed control and also helps control the budget for lawn care and landscape professionals. RightLine is a registered trademark of Aycorp. Always read and follow label use directions as found on the product.


Lawnifi™ Foundation From Sod Solutions®Lawnifi

Lawnifi brand fertilizer delivers innovative fertilizer technology to homeowners and turfgrass professionals. Lawnifi FoundationTM granular is the newest addition to the Lawnifi family. With a 29-0-5 NPK formulation, Lawnifi Foundation is an ideal granular fertilizer for lawns and gardens. The two percent iron included in Lawnifi Foundation’s mixture helps plants carry oxygen throughout leaves, roots, and other parts of the plants to promote a green, healthy lawn. Each 25 lb. bag of Lawnifi Foundation covers 5,000 sq.ft. and feeds for three months. Sod Solutions Pro®, the professional division of Sod Solutions®, offers bulk and wholesale orders of Lawnifi Foundation and Lawnifi liquid products for turfgrass professionals, as well as Amp AgronomyTM professional turf and ornamental formulations. To inquire about wholesale ordering, contact Sod Solutions.

PERFECTION Line From Wilbur-EllisPerfection

This line of high-performing blended fertilizers can fit into any nutrition program for lawn care and landscape professionals. The PERFECTION line from Wilbur-Ellis includes more than 40 formulations ranging from value-based nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium sources, to high-quality, premium nutrition blends that feature a range of proprietary branded technologies. These technologies include: WIL-COTEÒ polymer coated urea provides controlled release nitrogen; PURICÒ humic acid improves nutrient uptake; VERSATILEÒ IRON-SHIELDÔ adds a propriety iron source to every prill in the bag; and NDUREÒ 2.0 protects urea from the impacts of nitrogen volatilization. The ingredients in each bag are designed to leverage Wilbur-Ellis’ quality manufacturing process and premium nutrient blends for turf growth. As Matt Wilkinson, pro markets portfolio manager, Wilbur-Ellis, explains, “The PERFECTION brand fertilizer line is purposefully built to fit the needs of every lawn and landscape professional as he or she maps out seasonal nutrition plans for their customers.”

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