The National Restaurant Association and the U.S. Composting Council are teaming up to raise awareness about food waste diversion, composting education and other sustainable activities nationwide.
The two organizations will share educational resources and identify collaborative opportunities that promote awareness of the role composting plays in waste reduction, improved soil and water quality.
Michael Virga, the U.S. Composting Council’s executive director, said he and his group are excited to work with the NRA and look forward to sharing information on best industry practices for composting and landfill diversion of food waste.
As part of the partnership, the NRA will develop projects in concert with the USCC during the coming year. One goal both groups plan to tackle is the expansion of the Conserve Sustainability Education Program, the NRA’s online resource that initiates and inspires foodservice companies to participate in environmentally-friendly actions that also can improve their bottom lines.
Both groups said that expanding the program’s reach would not only increase the number of restaurateurs that participate in food recovery and recycling programs, but also stimulate growth of available composting facilities for restaurant operations, a move that would create more jobs in the composting industry.