Turf managers and associates from across the Northeast region: register now for the University of Massachusetts Turf Research Field Day on Wednesday, August 1, 2012. This midsummer date provides an excellent opportunity to view trials and experiments during the stressful summer period. As in the past, this year’s event will be held at the center of the UMass Turf Program’s field research universe: the UMass Joseph Troll Turf Research Center on River Road in South Deerfield, Mass.
Field Day 2012 will focus on the research currently taking place at the Joseph Troll Turf Research Center, as well as on research being conducted at other locations by University of Massachusetts Turf Program faculty, staff and graduate students. Attendees will enjoy meeting and speaking with UMass researchers and viewing projects under way. Current research includes studies on the biology and integrated management of turf-damaging insects and diseases, short and long-term weed management, responsible fertilizer and water use, pesticide fate and wear tolerance. An array of National Turfgrass Evaluation Program (NTEP) turfgrass variety trials will also be featured. The half-day agenda will include a trade show, with numerous green industry vendors and exhibitors on hand.
Pesticide recertification contact hours have been requested, valid for all New England states. Continental breakfast and hearty barbecue lunch are included in the price of registration.
For complete information about this program and online or mail registration, refer to: http://extension.umass.edu/turf/events/umass-turf-research-field-day.