New Product Flash: PATeye by Solar Bright


Solar Bright, a New Zealand based company, has introduced a solar powered ice detection system for roadways and other outdoor surfaces to increase winter safety conditions. PATeye™, a real-time visual warning system alerts motorists and others to icy surface conditions on roads, bridges, parking facilities, sidewalks, and loading docks.road-safety

PATeye uses advanced proprietary sensors to predict the presence of ice on a surface through the analysis of the formation of frost on the device itself. Custom-designed moisture, temperature, and humidity sensors work together to predict when ice is likely starting to form.

Available in two models—Raised Pavement Marker (RPM) and In-Roadway Light, the PATeye device detects the formation of frost and illuminates a blue LED flashing light, which alerts people that surface conditions are ripe for ice formation. In choosing between the two PATeye models, users might consider that the RPM is quick to install, adhering to surfaces, while the In-Roadway Light model is designed to install flush with the ground surface and is snowplow resistant.

PATeye is available in two models, Raised Pavement Marker (left) and In-Roadway Light (right).