Here’s the info owners should have on hand.
Want to re-evaluate your business insurance? Few things are as frustrating as starting a business insurance quote and not having all the information you need. Avoid wasting time by gathering all the essential information beforehand.

To get an accurate business insurance quote, you’ll need to know:
- Business location and industry
- Owner information and experience
- Details of business operations
- Gross annual sales
For workers’ compensation insurance (to note: owners and partners are not considered employees), be prepared to provide:
- Number of employees
- Annual payroll
- Subcontractor cost
For inland marine insurance, the agent may ask:
- The various types of materials you use
- Tools and equipment valued over $1,000 (Make, model, and serial numbers may be requested.)
- Portable equipment
For commercial insurance, be prepared to discuss your claims history. (You may be able to request a copy of your history.)
- Number of claims in the past five years
- Date of claims
- Amount paid to settle each claim
- Any E&O or monetary demands
When insuring a commercial property through a business owners policy (BOP), you’ll need to provide:
- Age of building
- Square footage
- Building construction type
- Building safety features
- Other occupants
- Mortgage company information
An additional insured is a person, entity, city, or corporation listed on policy that shares many of the same rights as the policy holder. Additional insureds can be added any time during a policy period and often include:
- Vendors who sell your products
- Lessors for equipment you lease or rent Lessor of space where you operate business
- Scheduled contracts or organizations