Are you always reading a book? Maybe you should be.
Jon Cundiff, president of Weed Man Kansas City, says he usually has a business book going all the time. “It gives you some wisdom, and I always learn something after every book. There is always something to take away,” he says.

Cundiff says the “E-Myth Revisited” by Michael Gerber is a great book for small business owners. The tag line is “Why Most Small Businesses Don’t Work and What to Do About It,” which Cundiff says can be solved by learning to work on your business instead of in your business. The book explains how to make this transition.
The “E-Myth” was recommended to Cundiff, but he says he is always on the lookout for books that will help with certain business issues or scenarios he’s currently dealing with at the time.
Cundiff has been working in the green industry for 30 years, through both high school and college. He created his first business plan in college, which he later revised with his wife to start up their own business. “I always wanted to be an entrepreneur; I always wanted to own a business,” he says, claiming the green industry was a natural fit.
He has been with Weed Man since 2000, and says he plans to continue putting the best brand out there and creating opportunities for people.
When Cundiff first started as a business owner he read “The Goal” by Eliyahu Goldratt about dealing with capacity and load, and identifying bottlenecks. “I came across this book on my own, but I’ve suggested it a number of times,” he says. “Businesses are made to be profitable, and this book is like a precursor to lean management.”
The most important thing, he says, is to always continue reading and learning. “Reading books for me was never a strong suit until I started in business,” Cundiff says. “It has boded me well as time goes by.”
Currently, he is reading “The Power of Strategic Commitment” by Josh Leibner.
What’s your favorite business book? Let us know in the comments below.