Today, July 23, 2020, the National Association of Landscape Professionals (NALP), announced its 2020-2021 Board of Directors, their terms beginning at the October Board of Directors meeting.
The Board of Directors will be led by President Shayne Newman, LIC, of YardApes, New Milford, CT.
New Board members include Pam Dooley of Plants Creative Landscapes in Decatur, GA; Maurice Dowell, LIC, of Dowco Enterprises Inc. of Chesterfield, MO; and Ivan Giraldo of Clean Scapes, LP, of Austin, TX.
The 2020-2021 Board of Directors features these landscape professionals:
: Shayne Newman, LIC (YardApes of New Milford, CT)
: Bob Grover, LIC (Pacific Landscape Management of Hillsboro, OR)
Mike Bogan, LIC (LandCare of Frederick, MD)
Immediate Past President
: Andrew Ziehler, LIC (Ziehler Lawn and Tree Care of Centerville, OH)
- Bruce Allentuck (Allentuck Landscaping of Clarksburg, MD)
- Pam Dooley (Plants Creative Landscapes of Decatur, GA)
- Maurice Dowell, LIC (Dowco Enterprises Inc. of Chesterfield, MO)
- Lisa Fiore (Landscape Hub of Chicago, IL)
- Paul Fraynd, LIC (Sun Valley Landscaping of Omaha, NE)
- Ivan Giraldo (Clean Scapes, LP, of Austin, TX)
- Phil Key (Ruppert Landscape Laytonsville of MD)
- Roscoe Klausing, LIC (Klausing Group of Lexington, KY)
- Joe Kujawa, LIC (Kujawa Enterprises, Inc. of Oak Creek, WI)
- Frank Mariani, LIC (Mariani Landscape of Lake Bluff, IL)
- William MacMurdo (Bayer Crop Science of Cary, NC)
- Joe Munie (Munie Greencare Professionals Inc. of Caseyville, IL)
- Tim Portland (Yellowstone Landscape of Charlotte, NC)
- Chris Senske (Senske Services of Kennewick, WA)
- Brandon Sheppard (Weed Man of Winchester, VA)