Editor’s Letter: June 2022 Issue
Not A Drop To Drink
I could fill this Editor’s Letter with scary statistics about water shortages and drought, but unless you’re living under a rock within that xeriscape you designed, it’s not news to you. In many areas, we are in crisis with a precious resource not only essential to life, but essential to the landscape trade. “Using clean, filtered drinking water to water landscapes will become a thing of the past,” writes Doug Pushard, founder of HarvestH20 in his article, “Water Harvesting & Reuse.” Though that may seem unlikely, or at least years away, in states blessed with adequate rainfall, landscapers in California are already facing harsh water realities. While smart controllers, drip irrigation, and appropriate plant selection should come into play in any irrigated landscape, firms like CK Landscape in San Francisco are leading the way with fertigation, groundwater use, and graywater systems as standard practices in their stunning designs. It likely won’t be long until many others in arid areas are following suit—by choice or by necessity.
Of course, too much water comes with its own set of landscape problems. Storms with deluges of rain over a short time can mean drainage problems. And stormwater runoff is increasingly being scrutinized for its pollutants. I recently spoke with a friend in a neighborhood where his rain garden is a property requirement and subject to municipal inspections and fines. And yet I remember a time fairly recently when few people had even heard of rain gardens.
As a last note related to water, the entire Turf team wishes LuAnn Rathemacher, Group C’s longtime production manager, the very best as she literally sails into the sunset on her beloved boat after retiring last month. We thank her for 36 years (!) of dedication, humor, and endless patience! Bon Voyage, Lu, and smooth sailing!
Twitter: @TurfMagazine
Turf June 2022 Issue | Table of Contents
The Drought-Wise Landscaper | Learn how CK Water Systems & Landscape Development brings water conservation to every stunning landscape design.
Water Harvesting & Reuse | Rain water, gray water, and blackwater can aid arid landscapes.
Stormwater Management | Grid systems, dry wells, sump pumps, and more drainage solutions for water-logged properties.
How To Get Commercial Contracts | Landscape business educator, Mike Andes, reveals his strategies.
Three Irrigation System Trends | Two-wire, solar power, and smart tech are taking control.
TREE SERVICES® Drought & Flood Tolerant Plants | Selections to handle water extremes—be it scarce, soggy, or both.
Get Equipped: Hardscape Projects
Optimal Overseeding | Advice on prep, seeds, and spreading.
Get Equipped: Spreaders, Sprayers & Seed
DesignBuild® Irrigating Urban Sites | Sensor-based smart irrigation at 9/11 Memorial Plaza.