Get 50% Off Equip 2023 Registration Costs As A Turf Reader!

Featuring 1000 exhibits, Equip will be be held October 17-20 in Louisville, KY.


Equip Early bird rates for the Equip 2023 Exposition end September 7— and Turf readers get an additional 50% their registration costs!

Equip Exposition, the international landscape, outdoor living, and equipment exposition, celebrates its 40th anniversary this October 17-20, 2023 in Louisville, KY. The show, which drew 25,000 attendees last year, will have another sold-out trade show floor and 30 acres of Outdoor Demo Yard.

The Equip Expo 2023 is an opportunity to network with other professionals and test-drive the latest products. This four-day event, featuring 1,000 exhibits and hundreds of educational opportunities, provides attendees with new ideas, better techniques, and hands-on demos of cutting-edge products, tools, software, and strategies from innovative suppliers, vendors, and manufacturers.

To receive the additional 50% off registration costs as a Turf reader, click TurfReadersSave.

For a 2023 equipment update, including introductions from the 2022 show, see
What’s In The Market For 2023?

For a sampling of new product introductions from the 2022 Expo, see
Get Equipped: Equip Exposition Highlights